Anger and lust is a part of every human being’s journey. It’s just a matter of finding out what to do with it. Cring walks us through it with a bit of flair and comedy.
Annoyed Resentful
Fiery Bitter
Sullen Fuming
Enraged Uptight
Galled Exasperated
Affronted Hateful
Furious Hot
Riled Heated
Huffy Impassioned
Ill-tempered Convulsed
Incensed Indignant
Irate Inflamed
Sulky Irritable
Infuriated Ferocious
Offended Outraged
Fierce Maddened
Vexed Turbulent
Wrathful and…flat-out pissed off
These are just a few ways we say “angry”
Don’t get mad, but you are angry.
And don’t think I’m coming on to you, but you are lustful
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Avoiding anger teaches us to lie
Lust is what stimulates–EVERYTHING.
A fear of being lustful also makes us liars.
You are angry–but you can address it before it turns into rage
The process is in the book.
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It helps to know that we’re human, and we all have anger and lust.
The good news is, you are angry and lustful–and supposed to be because you’re human.
The better news is, anger can become resolution and lust can become passion.
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