Cring admits he’s a human racist, and explains why the other forms of racism have driven him to his position.
The surest way to guarantee being a racist is to either insist that stereotypes are true or spend all your time denying they exist.
The reason they call them stereotypes is because they blare from both speakers and become a common tune among all hearers.
There are flaws in the human race–predilections in our species. There are things that become more repetitive because we surround ourselves with those who follow the practice.
To deny these makes you look very foolish when some race plays out the stereotype right before your eyes.
To use these as evidence for why one race of people is inferior is to unrighteously take a human reaction and attribute it to a selected color.
Now here’s where it gets interesting: there are three types of racist. Let me name them and then I’ll explain. I’ll try not to over-explain because I want you to comprehend it instead of staying awake listening to it or needing to go back to get the drift.
The three types of racists are:
- The ignorant racist
- The informed racist
- And the educated racist.
Here are the differences:
The ignorant racist uses the word “them” a lot.
“Them blacks.”
“Them Mexican.”
“Them Indians”
“Them Chinese.”
Or even “them whites.”
This racists lives off of stereotypes–he or she looks for the stereotypes to prove that the “them” in question is doing exactly what he or she thought they would do.
Now, the informed racist will talk about:
Black people.
Native American.
The Far East.
And “white people.”
These individuals spend a lot of time denying stereotypes–trying to disprove them and arguing with the ignorant to “make them more informed.”
And finally, we have the educated racists–individuals who feel they have studied the situation:
The African-American culture
The Latino community.
Indigenous Americans
The Asian society
And the Anglo-Saxon heritage
Educated racists feel that it is their job to explain the stereotypes. The origins, the reasons, the cultural benefits, and the ins and outs of each group and their customs.
The only difference among these three is the level of animosity. The ignorant are angry, the informed are confused and the educated are self-righteous.
Meanwhile, the problem of racism does not go away, but instead, grows worse.
Now, I could spend a lot of time going into examples of stereotypes. But rather than doing that–because you can certainly achieve that on your own–I’m going to take one example and lay it out for you.
And that is the example of the human beings around us who happen to have a bit darker, or even black skin.
Unlike any other group of people who came to this country as immigrants, these individuals were abducted, kidnapped and forced to arrive on the shores of the New World and perform their duties as slaves.
They were also not allowed to assimilate throughout the whole country. The black race in America subsisted for almost 300 years only in the South. It’s where they learned the customs, where they learned the food, where they learned the language, where they learned the accent, where they learned gender attitudes, where they learned their religion (which was more bent toward morality than it was toward charity).
And the truth is, that training, that indoctrination and that imprisonment is still markedly affecting the lifestyle of the average black person in America today.
The educated racist comes along and says it’s unfair to judge the black man because he hasn’t been given a chance to be anything except someone else’s servant.
All the stereotypes associated with the black community have something to do with the conditions of their imprisonment.
So, what is the challenge for the person who has dark skin in America? It’s the challenge of any person who wants to cease being an ignorant racist, an informed racist or an educated racist, but rather, wants to become a human racist.
Yeah, I just made that up.
A human racist is a person who only accepts one race–the human race–and instead of loving, denying or explaining the stereotypes, simply IGNORES them.
We ignore other things–why can’t we ignore the stereotypes that try to convince us that some cultures are different from others and common ground is difficult to achieve because of this…
So, it really is boiling down to whether you want to be an open racist, a closet racist or a human racist.
You may object to this. I understand.
You may think it’s overly simplistic, but I have never seen complication achieve much for the purpose of equality.
After all, each race has to stop and realize that any desire within its ranks to forbid commonality, or even to discourage it, is racism.
It’s as simple as that.
So, the black race that wants to be accepted can not allow itself to be presented as anti-gay and prejudiced against women. Isn’t that the definition of hypocrisy?
Likewise, the Hispanic community can’t quietly whisper that “men are better than women” and think that equality is around the corner for them.
And the white race will never have peace of mind as long as there’s an abiding fear of all other colors provided.
We must become human racists–which means we just ignore the stereotypes until they go away, and we only speak of one race.
The human race.
It may feel a bit awkward at first. It certainly may appear impractical.
- Whenever you’re in a room and you start hearing “all blacks” or “all Hispanics” or “all whites” are…just quietly leave.
Not only do the statements not need to be heard, but you certainly don’t need to be tempted by hearing it.
- Stop separating prejudice into race, gender, sexual orientation and religion.
For instance, if you’re an ignorant racist, you might call them “homosexuals.” An informed racist might say “the gays.” And the educated racist might constantly refer to the LGBTQ community.
But what could be more bigoted and prejudiced than to think you can take lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and those who are questioning their sexual journey and throw them all into one box?
Here we are–back again with the human race.
A human racist
- Don’t be afraid to talk about it.
Being nervous about race is logical. Choosing to be silent is a guarantee of finding yourself indulging in racism.
- God is no respecter of persons.
In other words, when you hear people using the Good Book to support their bigotry, remind them that there are verses in the Bible that eliminate the need for other verses.
There is nothing that will ever replace “love your neighbor as yourself” and “God is no respecter of persons.”
- Become like a child.
Children play with anyone who wants to play. That’s their philosophy.
Any color skin throws a ball just as well as any other color.
Play ball.
If you follow this, and you realize that becoming a human racist and only accepting a discussion on the human race instead of the origin of all the other races, you will become part of the solution, which will eventually lead us to an understanding that we still have problems.
But our problems are not because we’re “colored,” it’s because we’re human and flawed.
The good news is, we can and must ignore stereotypes.
The better news is, there is only one race–the human race.
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