Good for goodness sake.
So, Santa Claus is coming to town to see if anybody is interested in doing good for goodness sake. What does this mean?
Cring takes us on a journey to visit the brain of the “Great Claus.”
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You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not pout
I’m telling you why
Why?? People don’t like it when other people aren’t aware or when they cry and feel sorry for themselves. It’s sickening.
Since we all have been given a life, and we are commanded to live it, we would like to do so around people who are aware, don’t cry and don’t pout.
Perhaps that’s the real definition of goodness.
Goodness happens when we discover what we don’t like and then we stop doing it.
Instead of just demanding that other people cease to be unaware and cry and pout, we decide to declare war within ourselves on unawareness, crying and pouting. That in itself sprouts some goodness in us.
But the truth of the matter is, no one is getting rich nor winning Emmys for coming up with a show called “Breaking Good.”
“Breaking Bad” was a popular show because it allowed for our lazy, cynical and negative attitudes to come to the forefront and be presented as a possibility.
Everyone knows these attitudes are not a possibility. Everybody knows we hate it when someone acts irresponsibly.
But goodness is when we realize we can’t change the whole world, so we spend a whole lot of time working on ourselves.
It’s not goodness for a church to preach against sin unless the sin they’re preaching against is an “in-house” phenomenon.
It doesn’t do any good for politicians to point out the weakness in the platform for the other political party if they have no solution for the problem itself.
And it does no good to give students information about the Earth if they suck at being Earthlings.
Goodness happens when we realize that certain qualities initiate a positive and fruitful life, and rather than preaching them, we just go ahead and live them. It’s not just what Santa Claus is looking for. It’s not just what God is looking for.
But it is what each and every one of us is looking for.
If we break down along the side of the road, we often find ourselves hoping that someone better than us in character will come along and help.
Yet if we instill that character in ourselves and prove that it’s successful, there’s a chance that others who benefited from it might start imitating it.
Do we have the ability to be good for goodness sake? Or is it just a lyric to a song?
There are three steps to goodness, and when these three steps are respected, the Earth begins to rotate, motivate, and attitudes are elevated to more positive profiles.
1. The goodness of change.
If you are of a mindset that what you do better be good enough because you have no intention of doing anything else, you’ll eventually end up doing bad things. The Earth is very simple: life says, “Let’s see what you’ve got” then steps back and proclaims, “That’s a good start. Now add this, try this, include this and revise this.”
If you listen, you will get better and the end result will be goodness. If you don’t, you will stay the same or get worse and the end result will be defeat and badness. That’s the first step. No matter how good you think you are, you will need to change.
No matter how talented you think you may be, you will need to revise something.
And no matter how educated you may come across, there’s always something to learn.
2. The second step to goodness is a goodness to create.
It is in the genetic makeup of our soul to make something that comes from our own spirit and creativity. What causes us problems is when we begin to imitate things that we think are successful, but because we either don’t understand how they work or because they only work with deception, we end up on the dark side.
Human beings are supposed to create. We are meant to be creative. It is what makes goodness come forth.
For even God, our Creator, when He got done creating something of quality, stopped and declared it good.
To be “good for goodness sake” you must be willing to create.
3. And the third sign that we are being good for goodness sake is when there is a natural flow in us to be inclusive instead of prejudiced.
We are looking for reasons to make people our brothers and sisters instead of just touting our brothers and sisters in our families and denying our kinship with the human race.
Who can you include?
Can you include those you agree with? Can you include those you understand? Can you include those who look like you? Can you include those who believe like you?
Can you include those who do not find agreement with you in any way, shape or form? And what shall we call these people?
We shall call them our equals. As equals, they have just as much right to occupy space, thought and time. As we do.
There is no goodness whatsoever without change, creativity and inclusion.
It is the message of Christmas. We’re about to change the way things work on the Earth by creating a new energy of “peace on Earth, goodwill toward men,” which from this point on, will not be a Jewish, Arab or Eastern phenomenon, but will include everyone from everywhere.
The good news is, it is possible to be good for goodness sake.
And the better news is, it’s as simple as asking ourselves the question: What do I like? And then begin by doing it ourselves.
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